National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

12/1/2021 1:00 am to 12/31/2021 11:00 pm

With the holiday season taking place in December, the consumption of alcohol can increase. This can be seen with family in town, holiday celebrations, office
parties, New Year’s Eve, or any situation where friends and family come together to celebrate. While the month of December marks a time of year for togetherness and appreciation, it also is statistically one of the most dangerous
months for driving.

According to research, the average American consumes double the number of alcoholic drinks over the holidays than any other time of the year. This statistic explored how much more social people are over the time between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. While people tend to be more social during this time, the average American will attend three times more social functions and parties as well which leads to more drivers on the road.

During National Impaired Driving Prevention Month,  Prevention First's Traffic Safety Resource Center is implementing a national public awareness campaign: Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving. This campaign focuses on social norming as a way of deterring people from drinking and driving. Even a little bit of alcohol can alter someone’s ability to drive safely. The message Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving is simple: impaired driving is dangerous. You can access and distribute marketing materials, which can be distributed to fit your local needs and objectives.