We Amplify Training.

Research by the Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) found that over 62% of all justice-involved individuals coming into the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) met the clinical diagnosis for substance use disorder (SUD). The Bureau of Justice identifies the SUD statistics as high as 85% for nationwide corrections populations.

Incarcerations for drug-related offenses account for 69% of all new incoming justice-involved individuals and continue to represent the fastest-growing offense category across the nation. In Illinois, drug-related offenses account for approximately 42% of the prison population.

IDOC reviews trends throughout Illinois to assess why treatment is needed and its impact and to explore more effective ways to treat SUD disease. Untreated individuals in custody will continue to seek out and take drugs. Individuals in custody with substance use issues have higher recidivism rates. SUD and criminal behavior will continue if left untreated. There is a nexus between crime and substance use. Incarceration may be the only opportunity to provide substance use programming. This programming also positively impacts recidivism by increasing the chances of rehabilitation.

To increase the proficiency of IDOC staff to provide this essential programming, a partnership began in 1989 between Prevention First and the Illinois Department of Corrections to create the CADC Training Program. This voluntary program is for IDOC staff who want to become better clinicians for their IDOC caseload, gaining the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively. The program offers training (classroom and online) on the 12 core functions of counseling, with the objective of completing all the training and taking the exam to become a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor (CADC). The program also improves staff’s ability to provide drug education programming where it can be most impactful and track individuals in custody flagged as in need of substance use services.

The CADC Training Program delivers at least six training events per fiscal year, usually in the Springfield area. Additional training on topical issues identified by IDOC may also occur throughout the year.

Hundreds of IDOC staff have become Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselors by participating in the program. Participants receive quality, intense training and tools to develop and improve their skills and professional abilities. IDOC staff who have completed the program make a difference for justice-involved individuals, their facilities, and their communities.

This program supports the Prevention First mission by providing evidence-based training to IDOC staff. The staff will use the knowledge and skills learned in each training to help justice-involved individuals with their treatment plans for healthier behaviors.

Helpful Resources.



The ASAM Criteria
American Society of Addiction Medicine

This book is referenced in the program's first training, Overview of Substance Use Programming, as well as several others. It outlines treatment criteria to help counselors develop service plans and make objective decisions about continuing care for individuals with addictive, substance-related, and co-occurring conditions.


Becoming Naturally Therapeutic
Jacquelyn Small

This book is referenced in many trainings and is a great read in understanding the true essence of helping.


DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
American Psychiatric Association

This book is referenced in the program's first training, Overview of Substance Use Programming, as well as several other trainings. The manual defines and classifies mental disorders to improve diagnoses, treatment, and research. It is a great addition for anyone in the treatment field.


The Four Agreement
Don Miguel Ruiz

This book offers a powerful code of conduct that can transform lives. It is referenced in many trainings and given to IDOC staff during the CADC Portfolio & Test Preparation workshop at the end of their program.

Global Criteria: The 12 Core Functions of the Substance Abuse Counselor
John W. Herdman, Ph.D.

This book serves as a guide for helping counselors reach their certification goals. It is given to IDOC staff during the CADC Portfolio & Test Preparation workshop at the end of their time in the program.

Groups: Process and Practice
Marianne Schneider Corey, Gerald Corey and Cindy Corey

This book outlines the basic issues and key concepts of the group process. It shows how group facilitators can apply these concepts in working with a variety of groups, including sex offenders.


In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts
Gabor Maté, MD

This book takes a holistic approach to the treatment field and presents addiction not as a discrete phenomenon but as a continuum that runs throughout society. It is given to IDOC staff during the CADC Portfolio & Test Preparation workshop at the end of their time in the program.

Loosening the Grip
Jean Kinney

Another book that is discussed throughout the CADC Training Program. After all these years, it remains a premier source for information about alcohol use and the problems associated with it, along with addressing the relationship between alcohol use and other drug use.


Slaying the Dragon
William L. White

This book is the main source of information for the online course, History & Theories of Substance Use Disorder. IDOC staff receive this book as part of participation in the program.

Uppers, Downers, All Arounders
Darryl S. Inaba, Pharm.D., and William E. Cohen

This is a comprehensive textbook that focuses on the physical and mental effects of psychoactive drugs. It is given to staff during the Pharmacology training.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has many free publications that are great resources for the CADC exam (TAP 21) and for providing services to justice-involved individuals. They can be downloaded at https://store.samhsa.gov/.


Alcoholics Anonymous

American Society of Addiction Medicine

Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR)


National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities

Project Administrator

Lisa Link