(Webinar 2 of 3) Identifying Policy Strategies that Address Alcohol Related Problems in a Community - Archived Webinar

This is an Archived Webinar event.

This webinar was recorded on March 14, 2019. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

Presenter: Nancy M. McGee, JD

Summary: Building upon the concepts introduced in the first webinar, participants will look at a hypothetical community to identify the most appropriate policy strategies to implement, based on contributing factors of the identified alcohol-related problem. The importance of using data to support efforts will be discussed, as well as how to develop political will, community support, and consensus for policy initiatives.

Nancy McGee

Retired Special Agent Nancy McGee served for more than 29 years in the Missouri Department of Public Safety—Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. As a special agent stationed in the St. Louis District specializing in alcohol enforcement, McGee was responsible for enforcing Missouri's Liquor Control Act. She was in charge of administering the state's alcohol compliance check program as well as coordinating the department's efforts on college campuses and with community coalition groups. McGee was also designated as the division's liaison officer for local law enforcement agencies that received federal grants through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention—Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws (OJJDP/EUDL) Program. 

 McGee served as a consultant for the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation from August 2002 -2020. In that capacity, she developed course curriculums and provided technical assistance and training to agencies supporting alcohol and tobacco initiatives. She regularly provided training on the topics of developing and sustaining community coalitions; environmental management; working effectively with college communities; compliance check investigations; controlled party dispersal; shoulder tap operations; false identification; media advocacy; managing special events; social media; and working effectively with retailers.