Trauma and Beyond

Wednesday, November 13 - Thursday, November 14, 2024
09:00 AM - 12:30 PM

While many organizations are trauma-informed, becoming trauma-responsive means looking at every aspect of an organization’s programming, environment, language, and values and involving all staff in better serving clients who have experienced trauma.
Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive provides program administrators and clinical directors with key resources needed to train staff and make organizational changes to become trauma-responsive. This comprehensive training program involves all staff, ensuring clients are served with a trauma-responsive approach.


  1. Identify three examples of “Big T” and “little t” stressors
  2. Describe two of the major findings from the ACE study relating childhood experience to substance use and mental
    health impairment.
  3. Perform at least one technique for engaging consumers in a trauma informed approach.
  4. Describe at least one impact of trauma on cognition and physiological functioning.
  5. Identify one Domain of Trauma-Informed Care and how, organizationally, activating this domain enhances trauma care.