Recorded Webinar

Engaging Youth in Prevention


This is a recorded webinar. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

Presenters: Kellie Henrichs, Randyl Wilkins, Kathy Murphy, Jody Heavilin, and Jacob Levinson

Summary: This webinar will share effective strategies that have been shown to engage youth in meaningful prevention efforts. 


Please take a moment to complete our post webinar evaluation!

Upon completing the webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe the importance of authentic youth engagement 
  • Recognize opportunities to engage youth in prevention work 
  • Highlight ways youth can benefit from being involved in prevention work 
  • Identify how to recruit youth for prevention work 

Helpful Links:

YPRC Tip Sheet - Engaging Youth in Your Messaging

TSRC Peer to Peer Traffic Safety Program

APRC Resource - Youth Voice: Educating Elected Officials

APRC Resource - Youth Voice: Educating on Policy

APRC Resource - Strategic Prevention Framework Resource Guide

APRC Resource - Law Enforcement Strategies Guide

ChangeLab Solutions Pathways to Policy



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